Monday, August 31, 2015

Taco Madness in BFH!

The month of September is here! Hispanic Heritage Month is officially here. Today we created some tacos for the display table at the front of the school. This prized spot goes to a different classroom every month. The students decided that they wanted to show appreciation of the Hispanic culture by creating tacos..... and what a blast that was! {Fine Motor Development} Tearing paper may seem easy to adults, but to a child it is a developmental skill. It builds strength and control for fine (small) motor skills. {Sequencing} Just like building a sandwich, making a taco has an order. Using items of interest to model sequencing can be very fruitful for auditory, visual, and tactile learners. {Independent Activity} Kids need to know that they can handle some tasks on their own without any or minimal instruction from the teacher. Letting your student know that you trust them to perform a task builds trust and independence that is significant in their development.

   You will need:
      *Yellow, red, green, and brown construction paper
      *Manila card stock
      *Paper plate
      *Yellow and red food coloring

        Fold all construction paper colors to make four small squares then cut the squares on the crease. {Meat/Lettuce/Cheese/Tomatoes} Place 1 of each color on a paper plate. Cut out circles from the manila card stock for your taco shells. Pour some glue into a bowl. Next place 3 drops of yellow and one drop of red food coloring in the glue. Mix well.

We chose to place the glue mixture in two bowls per table (6). We also used a spoon to dribble their 'taco sauce' on their taco.

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